Categories: Avaya
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Avaya SAL Gateway

Avaya SAL Gateway (Secure Access Link) is a remote connectivity solution used by Avaya to provide remote support for its… Read More

5 years ago

Change Linux Timezone (RHEL / CentOS)

You can change Linux Timezone via bash command line easily. All Timezone information are stored in /usr/share/zoneinfo/./etc/localtime is symlink to… Read More

5 years ago

DALI Protocol (Digital Addressable Lighting Interface)

DALI is a communication protocol that is used for the automation of lighting, which is not new at all. It… Read More

5 years ago

Manchester Code Explained

Communication requires being in sync just like an orchestra. What happens when the bass guitar in band is not sync… Read More

5 years ago

Secure Server Access with SSH Key without Password

You have access to many different Linux / Unix servers during the day, you are in the IT department, remembering… Read More

8 years ago

iPad Mini in CAR explained

CAR PC in car is now old school and I decided to mount an iPad mini into the dashboard. (more…) Read More

11 years ago